Five Nutritious Snacks Every Older Adult Should Keep Stocked in Their Pantry

Studies have shown most people snack throughout the day. In one study, only three per cent of respondents stated they never snack. Snacking has become a very normal part of our lives, and there are many reasons people snack throughout the day.

Many times, people snack because they are bored, thirsty, or hungry, and because snacking can often turn into a habit, it is important for seniors to have healthy options available. In-home caregivers from Senior Home Care by Angels can help your loved one shop for and prepare nutritious snacks so they can stay healthy and happy in the comfort of their own homes.

The Important Healthy Snacks That Should Be Stocked In Senior Households

March is National Nutrition Month, and it is a great time to replace snacks that have little nutritional value with healthy and tasty snacks that can improve your health. Here is a list of five healthy snacks all seniors should keep in their pantries.

Fresh Fruits and Veggies

Snacking on fruits and vegetables is a great way to stay healthy. Cut up fresh fruits and vegetables at the beginning of each week and store them in the fridge so they are accessible. Fruits and vegetables are usually good for about a week when refrigerated.

You can also buy pre-sliced fruits or veggies from the store if you don’t have the time or dexterity to chop them yourself. Dipping your veggies in hummus can make bitter veggies taste better and to get more nutrition in each bite.


Yogurt is a great source of calcium and protein and is filled with good bacteria and probiotics. A variety of different yogurts are available, but make sure the yogurt you choose is not high in added flavorings or sugar.

Pick a brand that is low in fat and sugar. You can even add your own flavors to yogurt at home, including honey or fruit.

Light Cheese

Many seniors do not snack on cheese, which is unfortunate because it is a great source of calcium, protein, and vitamins A and B-12, as well as zinc. Many seniors who struggle with low appetites can benefit greatly from the calories and nutrients in cheese.

Seniors who need to avoid high fat content can get low-calorie cheese labeled as “part-skim” or “light.”

Raw Nuts

Raw nuts have a long shelf life and do not need to be refrigerated. They provide a healthy balance of fiber, fat, and protein, and are surprisingly filling. To prevent overeating at meals, your senior loved one can eat a handful of nuts half an hour before they eat a meal. Make sure to get lightly salted nuts or raw nuts to avoid high sodium.

Homemade Granola

Homemade granola is easy to mix together and is a healthy snack because you can control what is in it. Oats are a good base, but you can add a wide variety of ingredients, including coconut, chia seeds, sesame seeds, or chopped nuts. Cover it with coconut oil or other healthy oils and add some honey for sweetener. Bake until the granola is golden-brown. You can stir in dried fruits after it cools if you like. However, if you prefer store-bought granola, make sure you pick one that is low in sugar.

At Senior Home Care by Angels, our professional in-home caregivers can help your senior loved one in their home and everyday life. They can also help your loved one go shopping and prepare healthy meals as well as healthy snacks. Our in-home caregivers are kind and compassionate as well as highly trained professionals.

If you have a senior loved one who may need assistance from an in-home caregiver to stay healthy and remain independent, contact your local Senior Home Care by Angels office today.


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