Why Clutter is a Telltale Sign Your Loved One Needs Senior In-Home Care Services

A cluttered home can be a sign your loved one needs professional senior in-home care. Learn about the underlying causes and risks of clutter in the home.

Figuring out whether your parent needs a helping hand is not often easy. Most seniors are too proud to admit that they need help or simply don’t want to be a burden on their loved ones. Oftentimes you have to be a detective, follow the clues and see whether your parent can do everything on their own. However, there is one telltale sign that your parent can benefit from senior in-home care, and that is clutter. If your parent’s home is no longer spotless, but rather messy and unclean, it might be time to consider hiring a professional caregiver.

Why Clutter is a Safety Issue for Seniors

Falls are the number one cause of injuries for seniors. If your loved one’s home is cluttered with misplaced items, they can easily trip and get hurt. Unfortunately, when seniors fall, they often get seriously injured and suffer from hip fractures, broken bones and brain injuries. Fear of falling can also lead to isolation, which is why clutter can become a big issue.

What Leads to a Cluttered Home

If your parent’s home is cluttered, it may be a sign of the following health problems:

  • Physical Factors – Seniors who suffer from arthritis and other health issues can find completing everyday tasks like washing dishes and taking out the garbage too challenging. If you have noticed that your parent’s dishes are piling up in the sink, they might need assistance of senior in-home care providers with everyday chores.
  • Forgetfulness – If your parent is forgetting to vacuum, dust and is regularly missing steps in their daily routine, it may be an early sign of dementia. Pay attention to their behavior and if you notice some of other signs such as neglecting personal hygiene, problems with communicating and forgetting to pay the bills, don’t hesitate to contact their physician. Keep in mind that even if your loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, they can still live independently at home with the help of senior in-home care providers.
  • Depression – Seniors who are struggling with depression don’t make the effort to keep their home clean, they lose weight, have trouble sleeping and are prone to sudden mood swings. If your loved one is showing some of these symptoms, it may be wise to contact a medical professional.

How Senior Home Care by Angels Can Help

Although you or other family members can clean your loved one’s home, keep in mind that underlying causes of the clutter should also be addressed. Our senior in-home care providers can not only help your parent with everyday activities, but can also keep them company and enable interaction with their peers. If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or another memory-related illness, our caregivers can provide stimulation to help to slow the advance of the disease.

Contact your local Senior Home Care by Angels Office to learn more about how we can help your loved one stay safe and comfortable in their own home.


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